The Art & Science of Electrophysiology™
The ZywiePro® Solution
The ZywiePro® Solution provides better efficiency and patient care by allowing physicians to view events in greater detail, view it faster and anytime on any device. It also includes the convenience of our 7-in-1 remote cardiac monitoring devices — all backed by a wealth of experience working with the largest EMR systems in use today.
The ZywiePro®
The ZywiePro® Solution provides better efficiency and patient care by allowing physicians to view events in greater detail, view it faster and anytime on any device. It also includes the convenience of our 7-in-1 remote cardiac monitoring devices — all backed by a wealth of experience working with the largest EMR systems in use today.
ZywiePro® Solution: Seamless and Easily Adaptable
Our unique monitoring workflow is comprised of 3 parts: ZywieAI®, ZywieECG® and Zywie Monitors.
“I love their flexibility to work with us. The switch was seemless and painless, thumbs up Zywie!”
ZywieAI® is our proprietary algorithm, FDA Class II cleared technology that analyzes the transmitted data sent from our Zywie monitors to our secure, cloud-based servers. It is highly sophisticated, highly accurate and more efficient in ECG data processing to detect multiple kinds of arrhythmias and various types of electrical impulses of the heart.
Receiving analysis from ZywieAI®, our certified rhythm technicians use our cutting-edge ZywieECG app to review data and notify physicians using customizable parameters to any device they choose. This app also allows physicians or staff to create new enrollments, monitor patient activity and interact with the events and/or reports of their patients.

Zywie Monitors
Zywie offers multiple types of monitors to fit the needs of every physician and every patient. Zywie’s unique ability to transition from Holter into Event Monitor or MCT is a tremendous advancement as this modality eliminates multiple clinic visits for patients to change from one form of study to another.
Our monitors are lightweight and easy to operate — significantly increasing patient compliance. A Zywie monitor typically takes less than 1 minute to enroll and less than 2 minutes to place on the patient.
Zywie’s devices can perform these 7 tests:
- 24 hour holter
- 48 hour holter
- Up to 30 days of event monitoring
- Up to 30 days of mobile cardiac telemetry
- 3-14 days of extended holter
- 24/48 into event monitoring
- 24/48 into mobile cardiac telemetry
Fastest Reporting Times in the Industry!
Zywie typically posts 99%+ of final reports in less than two business days. No more waiting for days or weeks for your cardiac monitoring service provider to get you the final reports.
Clinical Benefits
Depending on the monitor used, there is a 1 or 3 lead view of the EKG available for doing atrial and ventricular morphology analysis. The end-of-study report has a complete ectopic breakdown with PVC/PAC counts and burdens as well as the patient’s total AFib Burden. Zywie also provides Onset and Termination of abnormal rhythms right on the final report.
Concise and Customizable
Our reports are sent in full color to your EHR system to be viewed within the patient’s medical record anytime and on any device. Our digital EHR solution creates an impactful reduction in paper. Our reports draw the physicians attention to quickly focus on the information they need to provide the best patient care.